Bee Blog

Welcome to The Road to Better Beekeeping blog site!!! Here we focus on current and timely issues facing our beekeeping members to give them relevant and important solutions to everyday problems they have with managing their bee colonies!!! Enjoy the articles!!

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Jennifer Short

Feeding bees is an art form. Do it wrong at the wrong time and you can create more problems than you solve!!

Jennifer Short

So we’re just about to be through the “first” swarm season locally - how did you do??

Jennifer Short

It's easy to become overwhelmed by the chaos inside the boxes forgetting what needs to be done next - recordkeeping is the solution to the ...

Jennifer Short

Here we discuss the most devastating issue bees and beekeepers face – the dreaded varroa mite. It's all about the mites and the diseases th ...

Jennifer Short

The uniqueness of bee behaviors causes us to sometimes make management decisions that aren't really solutions for them - let's talk about 4 ...

Jennifer Short

An introduction to the skills and abilities I've garnered to be able to effectively guide new and even experienced beekeepers to better ...

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