Locally Adapted Nucs


 Our queens are locally adapted to the Pacific Northwest wet climate and conditions. The selection of our breeder queens is rigorous as we select from stock that is monitored and tracked in 5 different parameters. We primarily look for productivity in both brood and honey, as well as overwinter efficiency and working temperament. Of course as always our primary concern is mite control and therefore we also focus on low natural mite counts and chemical treatment free colonies to pull our breeders from.

We have focused on our foundation stock genetics by selecting some of the country's best and brightest queen breeders and suppliers. Our genetic lines have been developed from Saskatraz, Old Sol survivor, OWA Russians and the best production stock from CA, GA and FL. This year we've added the Lauri Selness Miller Mountain Line stock to further enhance the "locally adapted" characteristics in our lineage!!!!

Jennifer Short


  • Locally Adapted Nucs
  • $185 USD


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  • Locally Adapted Nucs X2
  • $370 USD

    Double the fun - buy 2 nucs at one time

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  • Locally Adapted Nucs X3
  • $550 USD

    3 locally adapted nucs and save a little

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